She fell to the ground in the middle of a fast food restaurant. Her parents slumped over her, cooing in distress. She was frozen in syncope. Her eyes stayed open with a look of pure terror. Minutes passed and she did not move. I believe she could hear, though perhaps sound was deadened by her mental state. I believe she could see, but how one sees in a dream.
I watched as others gathered, fixed on her petrified face. Each person looking to the next and hoping that someone could help. Nobody knew what to do. She remained still as I walked out the door.
Alison Veit b. 1989 in Napa, CA lives and works in Los Angeles, CA. Recent solo exhibitions include "Oracle" at Interim, Oakland, CA; "Giant’s Child" at Beautiful Gallery, Chicago, IL and "Say it with a Black Rose" at Room East, New York, NY. Recent group exhibitions include "Park View Gallery Share" with Queer Thoughts at Park View, Los Angeles, CA; "Puppies Puppies/Fuckn Fruit" at Boatos Fine Art, Sao Paulo, Brazil; and "Belated Soul Pretty Days", New York, NY.

Photography: JKG, courtesy the artist and Pina