"The role of figuration in times where people increasingly abstract themselves from their own physicality". An interview with Sarah Księska on KubaParis

„Lost Door“
Opens a hidden witches door. A witches door is a door that is only opened by an old chant. You will need the following items for this spell:
• You
• Area you found the door or where you think the door is
Casting Instructions for ‚Lost Door‘:
„Follow where the blind are leading,
listen where the mute are keening,
where the deaf are storytelling,
where the silent bells are knelling,
take the road that splits asunder,
nor left nor right but travel under,
where the one self meets the other,
in the beasts eye spy your brother,
one from two and strange combining
with the other intertwining.“
Look around. Wait 5-10 minutes. Door should open.
Sarah Księska, *1992 in Frankfurt am Main, lebt und arbeitet in Wien. Bachelor of Fine Arts an der HFBK Hamburg. Seit 2017 Studium der Objekt-Bildhauerei an der Akademie der bildenden Künste, Wien. Ausstellungen u.A. im Aquarium in Wien, im Pudel Club und im Elektrohaus in Hamburg, bei Sushila Malloy in Karlsruhe und an der Goldsmith College in London. Publikation im Pfeil Magazin #6.
Sarah Księska, *1992 in Frankfurt a.M., lives and works in Vienna. Bachelor of Fine Arts from HFBK Hamburg. Since 2017 study of Object-Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna. Selected exhibitions include Aquarium, Vienna, Pudel Club and Elektrohaus, Hamburg, Sushila Malloy, Karlsruhe and Goldsmith College, London. Contribution for Pfeil Magazine #6.
Limited copies of Pfeil Magazine #6 as well as an exclusive artist booklet are available for sale at request.

Photography: JKG, courtesy the artist and Pina